Getting closer...
I need your help followers! :) Here is what I'm thinking. This chapter my students will be going on a "tour" of four different sites in Egypt. They are going to write postcards to "friends" describing the things they saw, why those things are important to the Egpytians, etc. What if I had them make a blog entry of their postcards? Then asked them to respond to someone elses blog postcard. What do you think? Any other ideas? I'm just bouncing ideas around, I'd love to hear your ideas!
Another thought...what if you'd make it like an online newspaper? Same idea, but instead of a postcard, they're writing their own editorial (sort of). I read a parenting blog fairly regularly that's done by a columnist at the NY times--she gets LOTS of comments, so I think you could still do the responding part successfully. I like either idea, though. Are you going to have them upload a picture with their blog post? You can help them remember to cite their source, then! :)
Ooooh, I like the newspaper idea. I think I will try to get them uploading pictures and such. My only hang up is that I don't have a classroom computer and the computer lab is not available unless I book it 3-4 weeks in advance. 30 computers for 6 grades (with 2-4 sections each) are difficult to share. Especially when I would have to take both sections of Social Studies down to the lab. So a 4o minute block, twice a day. I like to keep the classes together, so it would be hard to take one class down one day and the other on a different day. I guess, I will just have to make do with what I'm given at this point and hope it all works out in the end.
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