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Podcasts...where to even begin. I love 'em. I've used a Spanish Podcast in my classroom a few times. My students have been interested in learning some Spanish, so I found one on iTunes. (By the way, I was able to download iTunes onto my computer at school without needing administrative passwords.) My students thought it was pretty fun to learn from someone other than me...(still not sure how I feel about that...) I've also used a Promethean Planet podcast myself. There is one on iTunes that has every video on the PP website. I've used it to assist me in making different flipcharts. Very good information can be found on these videos. I've used several different ones. I have them on my computer in my classroom if anyone is interested in looking at them.
As far as using podcasts in the classroom, that is a 100% YES! I think they are great tools for both teachers and students. This summer I am hoping to have the time to find some great informational podcasts to use with my Social Studies curriculum next year.
Audacity seems like a wonderful tool to incorporate into the classroom, once students are familiar with podcasts and how they work. It is obviously not something I would start the year out using. It could be a tool we work towards using during second semester.
VoiceThread also seems like a fun too to incorporate, but again, once the students find some familiarity with it. This all stems on the computer lab situation. If I'm not able to get my students into the lab multiple times a week or at least weekly, these tools won't become second nature to my students. Hopefully, by working with these tools on my own now and over the summer, I'll be better equipped to use them with my students.
Thanks for the heads up about itunes...I'll have to try that! :)
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