
Thing #6

To be quite honest with you...I'm not a huge fan of the diigo site. I like the idea behind it and feel as though it could potentially be quite useful. What I dislike is that one some pages...like Facebook for example...people will stick public post-it notes. I don't like this...I haven't quite figured out how to turn them off.

I can see using it for my master's course work. I also will use it when I'm reading online articles or things of that nature. I am a "finger reader". I like to follow along with my finger when reading an article or magazine. When I read things on the computer, I often highlight using the mouse to read something, so using the highlighting feature with diigo will be more useful for me. Another thing is that I don't like reading black text...it hurts my eyes...I'm sensitive. :) So, if I were to highlight it with a different color, that takes away from the black text.

I also like that I can "tag" articles and such so I can find them based on words I've remembered from the article. It never fails that I find something of interest, but never find it again because I've forgotten what I typed in the first time to come up with that article.

Overall, Diigo will be a useful tool. It may take some time to adapt, but I'll get there. :)